Steve D. Shufflebarger, D.D.S.
When first meeting Dr. Shufflebarger, you will learn he likes to be referred to as “Dr. Steve”. For all those who know him, patients, colleagues or friends, they will tell you that Dr. Steve is amazingly intelligent and has a persistent drive for constant learning, especially medical information. He has an extensive understanding of medical research, pharmacology, the body and how it all works together. Dr. Steve strives to apply his knowledge in a comprehensive manner to each patient individually in rendering treatment options. Dr. Steve utilizes a whole body individualized approach to the dental surgery procedures he provides.
For the last 24 years, Dr. Steve has performed dental surgery and IV sedation procedures daily at his own practice in Beavercreek as well as numerous offices in surrounding communities. He has practiced exclusively in the surgical and sedation/anesthesia aspects of dentistry including implant placement, extractions, complex bony impactions, ectopic supernumeraries, bone grafts, sinus repairs, biopsies, orthodontic exposure procedures, and the like. Dr. Steve has a strong work ethic that has allowed him to dedicate his time and attention to patients 6 days a week for all of these years, earning him a well deserved reputation for reliability within the community. Dr. Steve accommodates immediate treatment of emergencies, hospital emergencies and will extend hours to make sure patient treatment is accomplished as best as possible. Dr. Steve enjoys working collaboratively with all Dentists in the community to make sure the cooperative efforts obtain the best results for the patients. He takes great pride in his team who are well trained, efficient and excellent at rendering quality care to each and every patient. Dr. Steve is honored to have the dedicated and loyal team of long term employees by his side helping to maintain consistent standards within the practice.
After beginning his education at Purdue University studying biology, he continued on to The Ohio State University College of Dentistry earning his Doctorate of Dental Surgery Degree in 1999. During his time at Ohio State, he was the only student to successfully complete the Intravenous Sedation elective course during the 1998-99 term. He also was selected and successfully completed the year-long Third Molar Removal elective course where he studied the evidence basis for and surgical technique of impacted wisdom tooth removal. Additionally, he had the honor of being the recipient of the Horace Wells student Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Dental Anesthesiology. Thereafter, he completed a residency program with Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio in 2000, where he gained valuable experience in the hospital setting treating medically compromised patients, performing surgical procedures and administering multiple routes of sedation and anesthesia. He has also had other numerous post educational continuing education opportunities and curriculums and achieved the Status of Master of the College of Sedation in Dentistry in 2015 with the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology.
Dr. Steve has continued to stay current and knowledgeable in medical emergencies, anesthesia, surgery, airway management, medical assessments, sedation, and pharmacology. He has demonstrated this by advancing his abilities and obtaining instructor status with the American Heart Association for Basic Life Support (BLS) in 2011, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) in 2016, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) in 2020. He has instructor status and continues to annually instruct BLS, ACLS, and PALS programs within Miami Valley Hospital, Wright State University, continuing education courses, as well as local dental practices and programs. He routinely trains in and observes hospital surgery and anesthesia programs and stays up to date with airway training, intubations, SimMan training and other emergency protocols.
Dr. Steve is appreciative of the skills and knowledge he has gained over the last 24 years and in addition to his own quest for learning believes in mentoring and passing on his understanding to others. He highly regards this opportunity and is very dedicated to sharing his experience and studies to further the dental profession and promote safety with sedation techniques and positive surgical outcomes. Dr. Steve has provided didactic and clinical teaching to institutions including Miami Valley Hospital, Five Rivers Health Center, University of California-San Francisco, Premier Health and similar facilities. Additionally, Dr. Steve continues to direct a well regarded national program providing comprehensive IV and oral sedation training in coordination with the Miami Valley Hospital Department of Medical Education. He also is actively involved in teaching didactic and clinical aspects in various hospital residency programs within Ohio. As a result, when he is not rendering patient care, you will find him at the hospital working with residents, teaching in his IV Sedation course, providing didactic training in post educational courses, speaking at a national conference, or even at a local society or event.
Dr. Steve has had many opportunities to speak in numerous conferences throughout the U.S. and continues to be an integral speaker with the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology (ADSA), American Association of Implant Dentistry (AAID), AAID Puerto Rico Maxi Course, and numerous other large and small conferences. His scope of topics has included but is not limited to courses covering material in physiology, pharmacology, sedation, opioids and analgesics, medical emergencies, airway management, managing and removing third molars and surgical techniques. Dr. Steve is proud to be a mentor and provide support to many colleagues throughout the U.S. and looks forward to opportunities to assist others from his experience. Although sometimes it is a struggle to balance the clinical and educational aspects of his professional career, Dr. Steve loves what he does and his identity as “Dr. Steve”. He looks forward to continuing this journey for a long time to come.
If you are left wondering what Dr. Steve does in his off work time, he enjoys staying active. On good weather days, Dr. Steve thoroughly enjoys grabbing his clubs and running out of the office in the evening to the local golf course to see if he can “hit a few balls” before sundown. He attempts monthly golf or event nights with his Dentist colleagues on a regular basis and enjoys the companionship. Everyone who knows Dr. Steve will tell you he is always eating so he is a frequent restaurant guest, always in search of good healthy food. He enjoys the rest and relaxation of vacation and has learned to embrace his wife’s love for travel and quest to see the world. Although Dr. Steve loves all animals, he is extremely fond of his rescue cats and loves the companionship they bring and is unsure of who actually rescued who since the relationship has been mutually rewarding.